August 2006
SAEON now finds itself in deep waters
NRF President lauds SAEON for pioneering partnerships in science
SAEON's node for coastal-inshore systems is named
Order your copy of the SAEON 2004 – 2006 Overview now
On breaking ground and breaking down barriers
A Practical System for Integrating Earth Observation Data
- SAEON submitted the following discussion document to the Department of Science and Technology following the approval of the South African Earth Observation Strategy by the South African Cabinet.
National Science Week a roaring success
SAEON and HESC partnership becomes a force to be reckoned with
SAEON Elwandle Node gears up for action
- The month of June saw the establishment of SAEON's Elwandle Node. Node manager Angus Paterson answers some pertinent questions about the new node.
Things are mo-o-oving at Ndlovu
Dave Balfour leaves a well-mapped blueprint for the future
Calling all postgraduate students in environmental sciences
Manager: SAEON Fynbos Node
Cabinet decides to implement Earth Observation System Strategy
Only in Kruger Park
SAEON in the media