SAEON scientist draws on marine data to respond to tragedy
Dr Wayne Goschen describes SAEON’s involvement in identifying search areas for missing persons in Algoa Bay...
New guide for improving our knowledge of marine biodiversity
SAEON, DEA and DAFF are collaborating to record all invertebrate species collected in the annual demersal research trawl surveys...
A momentous voyage of discovery
SAEON collaborated with DEA to organise a marine science education project on board the SA Agulhas II when it docked in Port Elizabeth harbour...
The SAEON ship ventures into new territory
Mbangiseni Nepfumbada, outgoing Chair of the SAEON Advisory Board, shares his thoughts on SAEON’s progress since its inception...
Dr Lara Atkinson appointed to SANCOR Steering Committee
SANCOR plays a critical role in facilitating collaboration among marine researchers in South Africa...
Orange River Basin Symposium looks at integrated water management
The symposium addressed key issues such as complexities in managing shared water, water conservation and social aspects of water...
New BioEnergy Atlas gets off to a promising start
It is envisaged that South Africa will have a fully functioning BioEnergy Atlas by the end of September 2012...
Biodiversity profile to promote data exchange
SAEON’s Wim Hugo is involved in the development of a biodiversity profile for sensor webs...
Ensuring responsible dissemination of scientific data
The public trust in science can be seriously compromised when no proper mechanism is available to release scientific data to the public...
SAEON Elwandle’s science camp exposes learners to the "fantabulous" world of observation science...
Reaching out to young scientists in the making
Science Week 2012 presented a perfect opportunity for SAEON to raise awareness of environmental science on a national and regional level...
SAEON learners scoop Eskom Expo medals
Xolela investigated the physics behind the vuvuzela`s sound; Siphokazi addressed energy issues in her project titled "Fighting global warming with samp and bean"...
SAEON Graduate Student Network gears up for Indibano 2012
The GSN is planning the best Indibano yet to coincide with SAEON’s 10-year anniversary...
SAEON’s people and projects received coverage in a wide range of media...
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