Eddy who?
Read more about the SAEON Fynbos Node's new eddy covariance installation in the Jonkershoek experimental catchment in the Western Cape. The station is located in a patch of fynbos.
Indibano 2019 - 'Our Future, Our Science'
This year's Indibano will be held at the Cape St Francis Resort in the Eastern Cape. Students can look forward to an exciting week of learning and adventures.
SAEON in the media
SAEON's people and projects received coverage in a range of national print, broadcast and online media.
"Time-series programs act as intellectual flywheels that create and sustain ever larger complementary programs where the scientific outcome of the integrated effort is much larger than the sum of its parts." – David Karl (2010)
Karl DM (2010) Oceanic ecosystem time-series programs: Ten lessons learned. Oceanography (Washington, D.C.) 23(3): 104–125.
SA Publication Forum Awards: SAEON eNews runner-up in 2015; finalist in 2018, 2017, 2016, 2014 and 2013 |