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Southern African Society of Aquatic Scientists Conference


Workshop on estuary monitoring: New approaches and lessons learnt

Monday 2 July 2012


The Department of Water Affairs’ national estuarine monitoring programme was developed in 2008 to facilitate an integrated approach to estuarine management and associated monitoring.

The programme complements a number of other estuarine monitoring initiatives that are currently being undertaken or considered by various organisations.The resource requirements of long-term estuarine monitoring of drivers and response indicators necessitate the coordination and integration of the different initiatives to ensure sustainability and to prevent duplication of effort.

The purpose of this workshop is to identify existing long-term monitoring programmes in South Africa, how these programmes can be integrated, how these programmes can incorporate new knowledge and methodologies and to standardise the use of scientific instruments, laboratory analyses, sampling methodology, mapping techniques, etc. to ensure comparability.

Objectives and outcomes:

  • identify key stakeholders undertaking estuarine monitoring;
  • determine the current level of estuarine monitoring being undertaken in South Africa;
  • identify temporal and spatial scale of monitoring efforts (gap identification);
  • discuss suitability of different monitoring equipment (e.g. data loggers);
  • discuss need for regular inter-calibration of laboratories;
  • identify current GIS mapping techniques and data requirements of the scientific and management community;
  • create awareness and stimulate discussion to facilitate further research and development into estuarine monitoring; and
  • launch the South African Estuarine Information Systems Database.


Draft programme:

14:00 – 14:05 Opening and welcome Tommy Bornman
14:05 – 14:15 Progress with regard to estuary management in South Africa - lessons learned within the CAPE Estuaries Programme Pierre de Villiers (CapeNature)
14:15 – 14:25 The National Estuaries Monitoring Programme of DWA Gerhard Cilliers (DWA RQS)
14:25 – 14:35 Estuarine monitoring to meet both national and specific needs Alan Boyd (DEA, Oceans and Coasts)
14:35 – 14:45 Mapping estuaries in KZN: A critical review Boyd Escott & Santosh Bachoo (EKZNW)
14:45 – 14:55 St Lucia: the need for a conceptual framework to guide monitoring Ricky Taylor (EKZNW)
14:55 – 15:05 Groot Brak – lessons learnt from one of SA’s longest running monitoring programmes. Lara van Niekerk, Susan Taljaard & Piet Huizinga (CSIR)
15:05 – 15:15 The proposed SAEON Estuarine Long Term Ecosystem Monitoring and Research Programme Tommy Bornman (SAEON)
15:15 – 15:30 Tea All
15:30 – 17:00 Topics for discussion
  • Presentations
  • Equipment for long-term monitoring
  • Temporal and spatial scale of monitoring
  • Inter-calibration of laboratories
  • Mapping, etc.
17:00 – 17:15 Launch of the South African Estuarine Information System database SAEON
17:15 Cheese and Wine All
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