Full thanks and acknowledgement are given to wildlife and conservation photographer Peter Chadwick (www.peterchadwick.co.za) for the use of this picture.
A new long-term research site for SAEON - to save a river
Once a majestic perennial river, the Letaba is now reduced to a trickle by the end of each winter. An observation site is being established to work out exactly why water released from dams upstream never reaches the Kruger National Park.
Where two currents meet
South African and Angolan oceanographers are investigating sub-surface processes within the Angola Benguela Frontal Zone - to understand and predict their implication on fisheries and potential climate variability.
SAEON'S Ndlovu Node is growing again
Three new staff members have been appointed: Node technician Rion Lerm, environmental monitor Merriam Mabunda, and John Mashale, who will assist with water sampling and the collection of ecological field data.
SAEON Ndlovu science camp experiences
Read what two Grade 11 learners who attended the Ndlovu Node's annual science camps have to say about their experiences, and how these influenced their career choices.
Interesting link
Watch this fascinating video about the enigmatic birds of paradise in the rainforests of New Guinea, and the evolutionary biologist and wildlife photographer who have spent the better part of a decade unravelling their secrets.
"The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom." - Isaac Asimov