August 2007
On the crest of a wave - Juliet gets ready to steer new SAEON node to success
STOP PRESS! SAEON-NRF Call for Postdoctoral Fellowships – 2008
Of SAEON stakeholders and summits
Monitoring our oceans to detect early-warning signals of climate change
SAEON helps to equip researchers to downscale climate change scenarios for South Africa
SAEON to assist in keeping an eagle eye on Southern Africa's birds
SAEON adopts the standards developed by ISO/TC 211
SAEON and CSIR introduce learners to vegetation monitoring research
National Science Week: Science & Technology = Welfare & Prosperity
SAEON and National Ports Authority groom the next generation of coastal scientists
Elwandle scientist selected for international course
SAEON Ndlovu Node forges ahead in acquiring long-term data
SAEON's Graduate Student Network is growing
SA prepares to publish long-term climate policy
Is the preservation of our country’s biodiversity your concern? Give your input into the draft National Biodiversity Framework
Scientists call for wildlife reserve to cover 30% of oceans
El Niño-La Niña cycle needs watching
SAEON in the Media