Perpetual pendulum: Locustana pardalina
Alerted to the potential indicator value of locusts for global change and ecological integrity, SAEON is developing a research and monitoring plan to find answers to some intriguing questions about locusts.
SAEON and SANParks test landscape unit concept
Landscape units in the Tankwa Karoo National Park were classified, mapped and described so that sensitive landscapes can be avoided, transformed areas can be monitored and alien invasive species can be targeted for eradication.
Investigating the Agulhas Current using Argo
Profiling the ocean with Argo float technology will allow a more accurate representation of ocean dynamics down to a depth of 2 000 metres, compared to satellite imagery and stationary moored instruments.
Baptism of fire
The month of May signals the start of the fire season in Cathedral Peak. With over a million rand's worth of research equipment in the catchments, fire protection is vital.
Meet SAEON's new technician - Kent Lawrence
Kent joined the SAEON Grasslands-Forest-Wetland Node, where he is responsible for the maintenance of the research infrastructure, data flows and the expansion of the instrument array.
Water Research Day @ Phalaborwa
At an education outreach workshop on freshwater resources, learners got to grips with water quality monitoring and testing, and an innovative water management computer simulation game.
SAEON staff sparks interest in environmental science
With Cape Town slowly recovering from fires across the Cape Peninsula and with helicopters still flying overhead, the Fynbos Node focused their presentation on post-fire recovery, highlighting why fire is important for fynbos.
Our Magoebaskloof science camp adventure
"From the stifling heat in Phalaborwa we made our way to a cold and misty Magoebaskloof, like weekend warriors on a quest for knowledge..."- Two SAEON Kids recount their science camp experiences.
SAEON in the media
SAEON's people and projects received coverage in a range of print, online, broadcast and social media...
Interesting link
National Geographic's Great Nature project team asked people around the world to document the biodiversity from their area from May 15 to 25. Collectively, participants made 40 396 observations of at least 8 000 different species. These records will be an invaluable resource to scientists and decision-makers around the world for years to come. Watch a time-lapse video of observations coming in from all over the world during those 11 days. You can zoom in on your area for greater detail. If you are interested in reading more about the discoveries and observations that were submitted, check out this post on the National Geographic Voices blog.
"I'd put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don't have to wait 'til oil and coal run out before we tackle that." - Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb (1847-1931)
SAEON eNews - Finalist in the SA Publication Forum Awards 2013, 2014 |