- Info
South Africa hosts first national GCOS science day
Participants from around the world gathered in Cape Town to discuss long-term observations of essential climate variables in the atmosphere, terrestrial and marine systems, as well as their integration into comprehensive climate models.
New Honorary Research Associate for SAEON
With SAEON gearing up to expand its strategic role in resource economics and socio-ecology, the organisation can benefit by drawing on Prof. James Blignaut's vast background and experience in these two disciplines.
SAEON in the media
SAEON's people and projects received coverage in a range of local and international media...
Interesting link
Watch this video, which highlights ten fascinating facts about our oceans...
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein
SAEON eNews - Finalist in the SA Publication Forum Awards, 2013 and 2014 |