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South Africa launches bioenergy roadmap
The BioEnergy Atlas for South Africa will allow the country to identify opportunities for sustainable bioenergy and enable it to achieve much more in terms of developing a 'green' economy.
Following supersonic whispers across Hakskeenpan
While the Bloodhound supersonic car is being prepared to attempt a new world land speed record on Hakskeenpan, SAEON scientists are studying the organisms hiding under rocks and in the cracks of the pan.
“I say SAEON rocks”
“Because of SAEON I now have a career path.” Learners who participated in the three-year environmental science education programme of the Arid Lands Node reflect on their learning experiences...
SAEON in the media
SAEON’s people and projects received coverage in a range of print, broadcast and online media...
"If you have knowledge, let others light their candles with it." - Winston Churchill
SAEON eNews SA Publication Forum Awards: 2nd place 2015, finalist in 2016, 2014 and 2013 |