On the shoulders of giants
The baobab and the savanna elephant are the giants of the African continent. The destructive behaviour of the latter has attracted negative attention to the persistence of baobabs...but is this justified?
Fighting fire with fire
Fire management is considered necessary in a landscape where human influences have become more prevalent than natural disturbances. Long-term monitoring undertaken by SAEON's Grasslands-Forests-Wetlands Node incorporates fires into the monitoring framework.
Rare honour for SAEON scientist
A new species of sponge has been named after Dr Albrecht Götz, a scientist at SAEON‘s Elwandle Node. Latrunculia gotzi seems to be restricted to the deeper offshore waters of the Agulhas Bank.
Uncovering the secrets of the deep
Offshore instrument technician, Grant van der Heever, reports on the ACEP Deep Secrets cruise, which was aimed at building understanding of the effects of the fishing and petroleum industries on marine offshore communities.
Digging into the dry wetlands of the Northern Cape
By studying the ephemeral pans it will be possible to evaluate the impacts and changes in these systems in relation to global and land use change, providing vital information to land managers and decision makers on the management and conservation of these pans.
Shaping the future of arid zone research
This year's Arid Zone Ecology Forum focused on a diverse range of topics - from the origin of heuweltjies to long-term monitoring, renewable energy, livestock farming and conservation planning.
My POGO-SCOR Fellowship experience
Every year more than 40 young scientists from countries around the world apply for the POGO-SCOR Fellowship. This year ASCA Officer Jethan d'Hotman was one of only six successful applicants.
Diving into the deep end
Information gathered by SAEON MSc student Hannah Raven will provide important baseline data for the proposed extension of the Addo Elephant Park Marine Protected Area.
Meet Benguela expert Dr Jennifer Veitch
Jennifer, a physical oceanographer at SAEON’S Egagasini Node, uses numerical models as a tool to better understand ocean processes that are difficult to observe using in situ or satellite data.
Our amazing adventure with SAEON
"The science camps opened our eyes." Learners who attended the Ndlovu Node's science camps reflect on their science camp experiences...
What's new at SAEON?
Read more about the latest SAEON publications, research papers and other SAEON news.
SAEON in the media
SAEON's people and projects received coverage in a range of local and international media...
"Anything else you're interested in is not going to happen if you can't breathe the air and drink the water." - Carl Sagan, astronomer, author and science communicator (1934-1996)
SAEON eNews - Runner-up in the 2015 SA Publication Forum Awards Finalist in the SA Publication Forum Awards: 2013, 2014 and 2016 |