Cedar-Zen science!
Scientists from SAEON and CapeNature are monitoring the status of the charismatic Clanwilliam Cedar, currently listed by the IUCN as Critically Endangered.
Profiling the Southern Ocean’s microbial community
During the austral summer of 2016/17, 22 projects will be undertaken by 50 researchers from six continents around Antarctica. SAEON’s Dr Tommy Bornman will join the expedition as co-principal investigator to study zooplankton and phytoplankton dynamics.
Second ASCA cruise a rollercoaster ride
The RV Algoa departed from Cape Town on April 6 to retrieve and service the moorings deployed during the first ASCA cruise, and to extend the ASCA array further offshore.
A microcosm for studying global change
The Compassberg, in South Africa’s arid lands, is like a field laboratory for testing ideas and investigating trends that may result from global change.
Changing the way...
At the annual Indibano of SAEON's Graduate Student Network, Rita Steyn won second prize in the Best Presentation category with her talk on methods used to investigate subtidal rocky reef benthic invertebrates.
Adopt-a-Float, Adopt-a-Drifter Day
Four schools were given the opportunity to adopt a float and a drifter each ahead of the 2016 ASCA cruises, enabling the learners to follow their adopted instruments after deployment.
SciFest Africa 2016 - “A matter of time!”
SAEON’s exhibition and Magic Planet drew large numbers of visitors, who learnt more about our solar system, ocean currents and earth dynamics, as well as the biomes in which SAEON operates.
SAEON in the media
SAEON’s people and projects received coverage in a range of print and online media...
"Linking science to society, public understanding of science and the participation of citizens in science are essential to creating societies where people have the necessary knowledge to make professional, personal and political choices, and to participate in the stimulating world of discovery." - UNESCO, re Science for a Sustainable Future
SAEON eNews - Runner-up in the 2015 SA Publication Forum Awards Finalist in the SA Publication Forum Awards, 2013 and 2014 |