SAEON in the media
An article on the breakthrough work of SAEON scientists in the study of the Agulhas Current, titled South African scientists find Agulhas ‘cyclone’ swirling in the ocean, was published in Africa Times on 15 January 2017. Another article on the Agulhas ‘cyclone’, Underwater probes detect ‘sea cyclones’ off coast of Africa, was published in Science on 13 January 2017.
An article titled Data Availability from the Agulhas System Climate Array (ASCA), was published in the March 2017 edition of the SANCOR Newsletter.
The December 2016 newsletter of the European ECOPOTENTIAL project has a storyline on the International LTER network’s first Open Science Meeting (OSM), which was co-hosted by SAEON, and on Savanna dynamics at Kruger National Park where the OSM was held. Take a look at the newsletter, and sign up if you are interested.